Allianz Partners uses tracking technology such as cookies or tags to gather information as outlined above (see: "What information do we collect from you and for what purpose?") to understand how visitors use the Allianz Partners Website.
Tracking technology helps us manage and improve the usability of the Allianz Partners Website, for example by detecting whether there has been any contact between your computer and us in the past and to identify the most popular sections of the Allianz Partners Website.
When you save your cookie settings, they should also apply to your future visits to the Allianz Partners Website. However, for technical reasons beyond Allianz Partners’ control, this cannot be guaranteed. For example, if you reset your browser, delete your cookies or access the Allianz Partners website from another browser or device your cookie settings may be lost. To comply with applicable laws and regulations, in some countries you may be asked to confirm your cookie settings when you first visit the Allianz Partners Website. If you are in a country where you are automatically required to set your cookie settings, you may be asked to set them again on a future visit.
In many cases you can also control tracking technologies using your browser. Please ensure that your browser setting reflects whether you wish to be warned about and/or accept tracking technologies (such as cookies) where possible. The specific capabilities of your browser and instructions on how to use them can usually be found in the manual or help file of your browser.
Refusing, disabling or deactivating of tracking technologies may result in a reduced availability of the services provided by the Allianz Partners Website or parts of the Allianz Partners Website may no longer function correctly.