We are a national provider of roadside assistance and have over 20 years of experience. Our roadside assistance services are embedded into our partners’ products, that's one of the reasons why we are trusted by some of Australia's leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the autmotive industry. We deliver value, innovation, care and quality. We provide your customers with trusted roadside assistance with support for the following incidents:
Your trusted roadside assistance provider

- Breakdowns
- Flat batteries
- Flat tyres
- Fuel or charge issues
- Key issues
- Bogged vehicles
Explore partnership opportunities
Partner with us

As a partner of Allianz Partners, you have access an extensive national network of roadside assistance providers that is trusted by Australia's leading brands. We have distribution via OEMs, insurance providers, financial institutions, service centres, fleet providers, rental car providers and more.
Join our Network

Join our national network of roadside assistance providers and be part of a team that helps connect people with assistance when they need it most. Our national roadside assistance network provides services across both metro and regional areas.