The Allianz Partners group is currently undertaking an internal restructuring project to regroup the European service companies of the Allianz partners group into a single legal entity based in German, being AP Solutions GmbH, that would manage local service activities through branches. This project is being completed by way of cross-border mergers of entities in the following jurisdictions into AP Solutions GmbH:
Financial Statements of AWP Poland for 2021
Report on the activities of AWP Polska for 2021
Auditor's opinion on the audit of the financial statements for 2021 
Financial statements of AWP Poland for 2022
Report on the activities of AWP Polska for 2022
Auditor's opinion on the audit of the financial statements for 2022 
Financial statements of AP Solutions for 2021 
Financial statements of AP Solutions for 2022
Financial statements of AP Solutions for 2023
* There is an error in the figures in the first line of the third paragraph of Section 1.1.   The figures (our emphasis) should read: “The Transferring Entity’s issued share capital is EUR €8,046,316 divided into 6,336,989 ordinary shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.269738 each.
* Die Zahlen im Abschnitt 1.1 im dritten Absatzes ersten Satz enthalten einen Fehler. Die Zahlen (Hervorhebung) sollten lauten: „Das ausgegebene Anteilkapital der Übertragenden Gesellschaft beträgt 8.046.316 EUR, aufgeteilt in 6.336.989 Stammanteile mit einem Nennwert von EUR 1,269738 EUR je Anteil.“