Changing the
way we think
We're committed to securing the future
At Allianz, we believe that businesses have a crucial role to play in sustainability and combating climate change. With our global presence, we recognise the responsibility we have to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.
We are committed to minimising our carbon footprint, reducing waste, and conserving natural resources in all aspects of our operations, we continually evaluate and improve our sustainability practices. We also encourage and support our employees to adopt sustainable habits both at work and in their personal lives. By prioritising sustainability, we hope to not only protect the planet but also inspire other companies and individuals to take action for a more sustainable future.
Allianz has over 100 million customers globally; we are one of the largest financial services provider in the world. Our purpose, 'We secure your future', expresses why we exist. It underscores Allianz's impact on society by taking uncertainty out of the equation and driving change in the right direction.
There is no better time than right now to adopt change. With the support of our global offices, we are embarking on a new direction, focus, and are proud to empower our people to build confidence in tomorrow.

"At Allianz Partners, sustainability has a global focus right up to Board level, including having a dedicated sustainability committee. In New Zealand, we retain this focus on sustainability. Our strategy will continue to ensure a focus on meeting customer expectations around
sustainability as well as helping them to
mitigate climate change as a responsible partner."
Sustainability in action
every part of our business, in each of our 75 countries.
◊ Workplace energy use
◊ Greener business travel
◊ Waste reduction
◊ Fully digital products
◊ Biodegradable materials
◊ Sustainable office management

Edge – Workplace gender equality
Dow Jones – Sustainability Indices