The World in 2040’ Series has been developed by Futurologist Ray Hammond, on behalf of Allianz Partners, as part of the Group’s commitment to anticipating customer needs in the years ahead.
The Series will take the form of a number of reports, which will be released over the course of 2019, predicting what the world will look like in 2040 in the context of Allianz Partners’ specific areas of expertise: international health, assistance, automotive and travel insurance. The reports examine a wide range of future trends and topics, which include how robots and automation will transform everyday living, from work to the home; how multiple medical revolutions will improve and extend life; and the potential impact of driverless and pilotless cars, trains and planes.
As the world faces ever accelerating change and accompanying global challenges, Allianz Partners is dedicated to looking forward and innovating to be ready to deliver for the customers of the future.

About Futurologist Ray Hammond 

Ray Hammond has almost 40 years’ experience writing and speaking about the trends that will shape the future. He was awarded a U.N. Gold Medal for Services to Futurology in 2010. Ray’s long record of accurate foresight is unique in Europe and he is now living in the future he first described almost 40 years’ ago. Ray now provides keynote speeches, lectures and workshops for companies, governments and universities all over the world. He has delivered guest lectures at Oxford University’s Oxford-Martin School, CASS Business School and Lund University. Ray is also an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

“The world is changing at a rapid pace and the next 20 years will see unprecedented levels of technology development. There will be 9 billion people in the world by 2040. We can expect enormous change to almost every aspect of life between now and then.”

Ray Hammond, Futurologist


Futurologist Ray Hammond has identified the seven major trends that will shape the future. From increasing climate change, global population explosion, to accelerating technological change, discover these key drivers of the future and their impact. 
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