Allianz Partners New Zealand has introduced selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases,
including Covid-19, for domestic, leisure, business and corporate travel insurance. The cover offers travellers the provision to claim for cancellation and medical expenses, should they contract an epidemic or pandemic disease such as Covid-19 after purchasing their policy.
It does not cover general travel disruption as a result of an epidemic or pandemic disease such as Covid-19, including government mandated lockdowns, border restrictions and travelling against the New Zealand government’s advice. There is no cover for lockdowns, changes in government alert levels, quarantine or mandatory isolation applying to a population or part of a population.
While there will still be a general exclusion for epidemics and pandemics, meaning lockdowns and mandatory quarantines will not be covered, cover will be in place if travellers contract an epidemic or pandemic disease such as Covid-19 after purchasing their policy and can no longer travel. Cover for medical claims directly related to an epidemic or pandemic such as Covid-19 will only apply for travellers who contract the disease after they commence their journey.
As with any travel insurance, disinclination to travel due to fear or change of mind is not covered.
Allianz Partners New Zealand has been progressively rolling out the selected cover to partners insurance brokers and travel agents who issue travel insurance on our behalf.
Brokers and travel agents interested in selling this cover should express interest to their head office in the first instance. If a head office is not applicable, we encourage you to contact your Account Executive at Allianz Partners New Zealand.
Terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and exclusions apply and these are stated in the Policy Wording. Customers considering the purchase of a travel insurance policy should read the Policy Wording to check what is and isn’t covered.
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