Brisbane, Monday 17 March. 

Australian travellers are prioritising rest, relaxation and peace of mind – even while cost-of-living is top of mind.

The Allianz Partners Travel Index, which surveyed 1,000 Australian adults regarding travel plans and holiday aspirations for the year ahead, reveals that seven in 10 (71%) of Aussies plan to travel in the year ahead.

Cost-of-living is having an impact on travel plans, with 80% of those who will stay at home citing cost as their main barrier.

And for those who are travelling, rest, relaxation and peace of mind are the priority – 71% are planning holidays focused on resorts and wellness, and for these travellers, the number one reason purchase travel insurance is for peace of mind..

What Australians will spend on travel
The average Aussie traveller is planning to spend $5-10k per trip in the coming year.

Almost twice as many travellers in the 18-34 age group  than in the 55+ group  will spend more than $10k on their holidays indicating this generation are prioritising their discretionary spend towards travel

Peace-of-mind top-of-mind

Alongside rest and relaxation, Australians are also prioritising peace of mind.

Eight in 10 (82%) travellers say they will purchase travel insurance, citing top concerns as illness (49%), insufficient cash (45%) and flight cancellations and delays (43%) – a greater proportion of women than men worrying about these issues.

Aussie travellers will purchase insurance direct (40%) or through a travel website (16%), or will use the insurance included on their credit cards (14%).

There are direct correlations between travel budgets, and likelihood of purchasing insurance, with those spending more than $10k on their travel almost 20% more likely to purchase travel insurance than those budgeting less than $5,000.

Comments from Chris McHugh, CEO, Allianz Partners Australia

“It’s fantastic to see so many Australians rightly prioritising travel insurance when planning their travel,” said Chris McHugh, CEO, Allianz Partners Australia.

“We would like to see all travellers regardless of their travel budget make travel insurance an essential purchase because we know that when the unexpected happens overseas it can be costly. The industry as a whole has work to do to continue to educate travellers about the importance of protecting themselves while travelling.”

“Although younger Australians are planning to spend the most on their travels, they also  note as a key worry having insufficient cash while away. This highlights the importance of Travel Insurance for this cohort if something unexpected happens overseas.


Media contact

Interviews, photography and audio recordings are available. Please contact:

Donna Wiltshire


About The Travel Index:

Launching in Australia for the first time in 2025, The Allianz Partners Australia Travel Index now contributes to a suite of consumer data from over 20 000 consumers in Australia, NZ, USA, Canada, and Europe. By combining the insights of the Allianz Partners Australia Travel Index with our global counterparts we gain a unique worldwide perspective on the traveller landscape enabling us to identify emerging global trends, and effectively respond to shifts in consumer preferences.

About Allianz Partners

Allianz Partners is a world leader in B2B2C insurance and assistance, offering global solutions that span international health, travel insurance, mobility and assistance. Customer driven, our innovative experts are redefining insurance services by delivering future-ready, high-tech high-touch products and solutions that go beyond traditional insurance. Our products are embedded seamlessly into our partners’ businesses, sold through intermediary channels or directly to customers through the Allianz brand. Present in over 75 countries, our 21,900 employees speak 70 languages, handle over 72.5 million cases each year, and are motivated to go the extra mile to offer assistance to our customers around the world.

About the Allianz Travel Index 2025

Allianz Partners commissioned Kantar Consumer Link to conduct an online survey of 1,000 Australian adults between 31 Jan and 7 Feb 2025. Sampling is nationally representative, and is post-weighted by age, gender and region to ensure it matches the underlying population as published by Australian Bureau of Statistics.