Customer Lab
Our very own consumer intelligence incubator

As well as constantly listening to our customer feedback, we’re listening to consumers too to understand and anticipate their needs. The Customer Lab is our very own consumer intelligence incubator, and through it we conduct in-depth consumer research, which we use to shape and create better insurance and assistance products. It is one of the tools we use to gain business insights and grow consumer understanding.

Consumer needs evolve, and the Customer Lab ensures our products do too.

85 000 customers surveyed - 28 countries included - 30M Pieces of data analized - 50+ Products testes on customers so far
The future of healthcare lies in a combination of human touch and digital ease. Technology is becoming an ally in tracking physical and mental health and consumers are proactively embracing it. 
Family Millenials 62% want a more proactive role in managing health and wellbeing

The digital and cultural change in working from offices vs homes will continue. People value their time, attention and money more and will continue to wish to work, shop and communicate virtually where possible.
71% renovated their home during the pandemic
For the automotive industry, greener travel is becoming a priority both in terms of consumer demand and governmental regulation. Disruption in this industry is set to continue.
50% want to lower their vehicle insurance with tech-enhanced monitoring
The rise in domestic travel continues despite international travel restrictions being lifted.  People prefer lower-risk, budget friendly and more sustainable holidays over long-haul destinations.
Family millenials are going local